
Mengue Philippe, Cavaillez Aleksi - Deleuze - Max Milo Editions, Fr, 2012

Deleuze’s name is associated to some funny concepts (desiring machines, ritournelle, war machine or lines of escape). But those impressive notions can easily be explained, if we dispose the intuition which structures his work. This book, which is not necessarily adressed to specialists, has the ambition to give the reader an access to the understanding of the wire that crosses and unifies Deleuze’s thought. The reader is invited to be led by some literary characters such as Bartleby, Lancelot, la Princesse de Clèves in the affective and undeterminate becoming they open. A non-dogmatic Deleuze will appear, leading to the variation and the invention of a multiplicity of possible meanings of life. 

Philippe Mengue, State Doctor in philosophy, teaches at the International College of philosophy (2010-2012). He has already published among others Gilles Deleuze ou le système multiple(Kirmé, 1995), Deleuze et la question démocratique(L’Harmattan, 2003), Utopies et devenirs deleuziens(L’Harmattan, 2009). 
Aleksi Cavaillez, an illustrator, is collaboring with the magazine XXIand Libération. He also published with Viktor Vejvoda a travel book : Via Baltica. Estonie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Sur la route des pays Baltes(Noir sur Blanc, 2007).

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