14-16 November 2012
Ryoji Ikeda
Centre Pompidou
Festival dʼAutomne à Paris
Paris, FR
Ryoji Ikeda's new long-term art project superposition consists of a performance piece, installations, lectures, publications and other related works.
superposition looks into how we understand the reality of nature on an atomic scale. This project was inspired by the mathematical ideas and notions of quantum field that deals with this particular characteristic of nature: one cannot fully describe the behaviour of a single particle, but in terms of probabilities.
superposition [performance] is Ryoji Ikeda's new performance piece which will premiere at the Centre Pompidou in Paris as part of the Festival d’Automne à Paris.
For the first time in Ikedaʼs work, performers will appear on stage to compliment a wide range of video images and other innovative technologies. All material used on stage will be shown in a state of superposition - sound, visuals, physical phenomena, mathematical concepts, human behaviour and randomness – and will be simultaneously arranged and re-arranged in a single performance piece.
superposition [installation] is an immersive audiovisual experience that requires the spectator to engage with the installation while superposition [lectures], curated and led by Rioji Ikeda, will feature debates and discussion groups with scientists and intellectuals.
superposition questions the boundaries between music, visual arts and performing arts, while exploring in depth the intersection between art and science.
Created and developed at EPPGH La Villette (Paris, FR), YCAM Yamaguchi Center for Arts and media (JP) and ZKM (Karlsruhe, DE)
Production : Ryoji Ikeda Studio, Quaternaire and Forma
Ryoji Ikeda
Centre Pompidou
Festival dʼAutomne à Paris
Paris, FR