
John Dreyer - Engaging the audience: Rethinking hegemon and the web @ Futures, Volume 44, Issue 9, November 2012

John Dreyer

Engaging the audience: Rethinking hegemon and the web

@ Futures, Volume 44, Issue 9, November 2012


This paper discusses the impact of the future web on the hegemonic state. As a continuation of the information revolution, web 2.0 and beyond will enable users to build a series of rhizomes that connect without the oversight of a hegemonic state. A rhizome is defined here as a community of users that connect with no central point of origination. With appropriate technology, rhizomes will provide connectivity amongst users that will enable them to trade products, knowledge and media without the need for a hegemonic state. This paper advances two futures scenarios that discuss two possible reactions by future hegemonic states to the technology enabled rhizome. One scenario is dystopian, with control of the rhizome and the user as the primary goal. The second scenario is more utopian, discussing future hegemonic adaptation and acceptance of the rhizome as an integral part of society and policy construction. Technology will not undermine the hegemon; instead the hegemon will be forced to adapt to its presence.