
Allan James Thomas - Fascism, Irrationalism and Creative Evolution or Deleuze, Running Away @ Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, Volume 15, Issue 2, Fall 2005

Allan James Thomas - Fascism, Irrationalism and Creative Evolution or Deleuze, Running Away @ Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, Volume 15, Issue 2, Fall 2005
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"...Rationalism is an attitude of readiness to listen to
critical arguments and to learn from experience. It is fundamentally an attitude of admitting that " I may be wrong and you may be right, and by an effort, we may get nearer the truth."

"...philosophers have very little time for discussion. Every philosopher runs away when he or she hears someone says, Let's discuss this."

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari 

On the basis of these two quotations, one would imagine that any conversation between Gilles Deleuze and Karl Popper would be destined to be a short one. The differences in approach they represent are certainly reflected in their comments on each other's ideas: to the best of my knowledge there are none. Indeed, even in secondary sources one would rarely expect to find their names referred to in the same book, let alone on the same page. To put it more precisely, their respective understandings and practices of philosophy appear so incompatible as to preclude any "common territory" between them. What they write about, how they write about it, and even who reads them seem to place them, and their ideas, in distinctly different philosophical milieus. There is, however, at least one point on which Deleuze and Popper could be said to agree unequivocally: they both 'detest' and 'abhor' Hegel, and both posit a relation between Hegelian philosophy and totalising or even totalitarian political formations. (...)

Dave Holmes, Stuart J Murray, Amélie Perron and Geneviève Rail - Deconstructing the evidence-based discourse in health sciences: truth, power and fascism @ Journal Compilation/ Blackwell Publishing Asia pty Ltd (2006)

Deconstructing the evidence-based discourse in health sciences: truth, power and fascism (2006)
Dave Holmes, Stuart J Murray, Amélie Perron and Geneviève Rail @ Journal Compilation Read more... 

Background Drawing on the work of the late French philosophers Deleuze and Guattari, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the evidence-based movement in the health sciences is outrageously exclusionary and dangerously normative with regards to scientific knowledge. As such, we assert that the evidence-based movement in health sciences constitutes a good example of microfascism at play in the contemporary scientific arena.
Objective The philosophical work of Deleuze and Guattari proves to be useful in showing how health sciences are colonised (territorialised) by an all-encompassing scientific research paradigm – that of post-positivism – but also and foremost in showing the process by which a dominant ideology comes to exclude alternative forms of knowledge, therefore acting as a fascist structure.
Conclusion The Cochrane Group, among others, has created a hierarchy that has been endorsed by many academic institutions, and that serves to (re)produce the exclusion of certain forms of research. Because ‘regimes of truth’ such as the evidence-based movement currently enjoy a privileged status, scholars have not only a scientific duty, but also an ethical obligation to deconstruct these regimes of power.
Key words: critique, deconstruction, evidence-based, fascism, health sciences, power. 


Ericailcane - City Art in Portogallo (2013)



publication by Guillem Casasús

Publicació sobre els conflictes bèl·lics del segle XX i XXI que han sorgit arran de disputes per controlar la producció energètica. La reflexió se centrarà en tota aquella informació essencial per comprendre la vertadera naturalesa d’aquest tipus d’enfrontaments que no arriba als ciutadans.


Fernando Iannetti - Derive del desiderio e metamorfosi del soggetto. Per una nuova critica del politico - Cronopio, It, 2013

Fernando Iannetti 
Derive del desiderio e metamorfosi del soggetto. Per una nuova critica del politico. 
Cronopio, 2013

I saggi di Iannetti compresi nella presente raccolta sono as-saggi della sua in-finita ricerca filosofica, che si intreccia con quella psicoanalitica e sociologica, sul tema delle metamorfosi del soggetto e della critica del politico nell'orizzonte della crisi della ragione moderna. Il suo discorso prende le mosse dalla tesi della centralità dell'angoscia nella costituzione del soggetto e nella costituzione (e critica) del politico, ovvero dalla tesi dell'esistenza di una connessione essenziale tra la “costitutiva” infelicità degli uomini nel mondo moderno e la correlata costituzione della ragione del dominio e della politica.
L'oggetto specifico della ricerca di Iannetti è costituito dunque non solo dalla determinazione categoriale delle strutture dell'angoscia e del politico, ma anche dalla ricostruzione delle profonde trasformazioni della ragione e del politico nel tempo della loro crisi fondamentale, ovvero nella crisi dei loro fondamenti.

Dieci anni fa moriva prematuramente Fernando Iannetti, dopo una vita dedicata non solo alla filosofia e alla psicoanalisi (si era formato con Lacan, Deleuze e Guattari), ma anche alla passione politica, ivi compresa una non breve carcerazione preventiva da cui uscì assolto. Giovanni Sgrò ne ha ora selezionato alcuni scritti degli anni ‘80-’90, dispersi in riviste o libri oggi difficilmente reperibili, e li ha raccolti organicamente in un’agile pubblicazione che li ripropone a una nuova generazione (Augusto Illuminati, Alfabeta2, 15 maggio 2013)



December 2012
Editor: Robin Mackay
Associate Editor: Dustin McWherter
Paperback 107x175mm, 458pp.
ISBN 978-0-9567750-5-4

Collapse III contains explorations of the work of Gilles Deleuze by pioneering thinkers in the fields of philosophy, aesthetics, music and architecture. In addition, we publish in this volume two previously untranslated texts by Deleuze himself, along with a fascinating piece of vintage science fiction from one of his more obscure influences. Finally, as an annex to Collapse Volume II, we also include a full transcription of the conference on 'Speculative Realism' held in London in 2007.
The contributors to this volume aim to clarify, from a variety of perspectives, Deleuze's contribution to philosophy: in what does his philosophical originality lie; what does he appropriate from other philosophers and how does he transform it? And how can the apparently disparate threads of his work to be 'integrated' - what is the precise nature of the constellation of the aesthetic, the conceptual and the political proposed by Gilles Deleuze, and what are the overarching problems in which the numerous philosophical concepts 'signed Deleuze' converge?
Editorial Introduction [PDF]
In Memoriam: Gilles Deleuze 1925-1995
Responses to a Series of Questions
"I Feel I Am A Pure Metaphysician": The Consequences of Deleuze's Remark
Subtraction and Contraction: Deleuze, Immanence and Matter and Memory
Blackest Ever Black
Mathesis, Science and Philosophy
Malfatti's Decade
Chronos and Aion: Deleuze and the Stoic Theory of Time
Matisse-Thought and the Strict Ordering of Fauvism
Unknown Deleuze
Another World
Speculative Realism


Digital Dark Age : RÉPLIQUES ART-SCIENCE @ IRCAM, Paris, Juin 2013

Postérité, devenir, oubli : l’œuvre du numérique
Le « Digital Dark Age » désigne une situation future où les données électroniques seront illisibles car stockées sur des supports caducs dans des formats oubliés.
Cette problématique touche tous les domaines du savoir et de l’art, de l’archivage et de la création. Elle s’étend à mesure que la mémoire de l’humanité est convertie en bits. Quelles stratégies face à « l’oubli numérique » ? Quelle pérennité pour les œuvres conçues avec une technologie bientôt révolue ? Montage et archivage, vintage et remake, interprétation et réinterprétation authentique signalent l’inventivité artistique en prise directe avec la fuite du temps technologique. Rencontres, débats et « répliques » art-science sur l’œuvre au temps du numérique : une confrontation entre Faust et Janus.
Avec Patrick Bazin, Pierre Boulez, Nicolas Bourriaud, Jean-Baptiste Clais, Régis Debray, Philippe Dubois, Christine Berthaud, Thierry Bouche, Roberto Di Cosmo, Andrew Gerzso, Emmanuel Hoog, Christian Jacob, Anne Laforet, Pierre Lemarquis, Michaël Levinas, Amedeo Napoli, Frédérick Raynal, Slava G. Turyshev…
Coordination Sylvain Lumbroso, Hugues Vinet, Sylvie Benoit

Postérité, devenir, oubli : l'œuvre du numérique

Le « Digital Dark Age » désigne une situation future où les données électroniques seront illisibles car stockées sur des supports caducs dans des formats oubliés. Plus d’infos>

Rencontres du 12 juin

14h30-16h, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Andrew Gerzso (Ircam) | Anne Laforet

16h30-18h, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Frédérick Raynal | Jean-Baptiste Clais | Philippe Dubois


20h, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Nicolas Bourriaud | Christophe Bruno | Jean-Baptiste Clais | Radu Mihaileanu

Conférences du 13 juin

14h30-16h, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Roberto Di Cosmo | Amadeo Napoli

16h30-18h, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Christine Berthaud | Thierry Bouche


18h30, Ircam, salle Igor-Stravinsky

Slava G. Turyshev


20h, Ircam, Espace de projection

Pierre Boulez | Régis Debray | Pierre Lemarquis

Postérité, devenir, oubli : l'œuvre du numérique

Débats et conférences du 14 juin

Débats et « répliques » art-science sur l’œuvre au temps du numérique : une confrontation entre Faust et Janus. Quelle pérennité pour les œuvres conçues avec une technologie bientôt révolue ? Une question cruciale touchant toutes les disciplines artistiques et le partage de la connaissance. Plus d’infos>


14h30, Sacem

Patrick Bazin | Bruno Racine


15h30, Sacem

Christophe Dessimoz


16h30, Sacem

Alain Bonardi | Delphine Dauga

Débat: 18h30, Sacem

Emmanuel Hoog | Christian Jacob | Michaël Levinas | Laurent Petitgirard


Lorenzo Mattotti, le triomphe de la couleur @ Comix - Ludovic Cantais

Lorenzo Mattotti - Stanze

Un video realizzato con la collaborazione dello studio Eye di Udine su "Stanze" libro 3 (acquerelli su carta nepalese) musica di A. Vivaldi: Andante dal Concerto in Sib. Maggiore


Deleuze & Fascism : Security: War: Aesthetics - Edited by Brad Evans and Julian Reid @ Routledge, Uk, 20th May 2013

Deleuze & Fascism

Security: War: Aesthetics

Edited by Brad EvansJulian Reid

Read more @ Routledge website

This edited volume deploys Deleuzian thinking to re-theorize fascism as a mutable problem in changing orders of power relations dependent on hitherto misunderstood social and political conditions of formation. The book provides a theoretically distinct approach to the problem of fascism and its relations with liberalism and modernity in both historical and contemporary contexts. It serves as a seminal intervention into the debate over the causes and consequences of contemporary wars and global political conflicts as well as functioning as an accessible guide to the theoretical utilities of Deleuzian thought for International Relations (IR) in a manner that is very much lacking in current debates about IR.
Covering a wide array of topics, this volume will provide a set of original contributions focussed in particular upon the contemporary nature of war; the increased priorities afforded to the security imperative; the changing designs of bio-political regimes, fascist aesthetics; nihilistic tendencies and the modernist logic of finitude; the politics of suicide; the specific desires upon which fascism draws and, of course, the recurring pursuit of power.
An important contribution to the field, this work will be of great interest to students and scholars of international relations, fascism and international relations theory.


Fascism in All its Forms Brad Evans & Julian Reid 

1. Desire and Ideology in Fascism Todd May 

2. Anti-Fascist Aesthetics Michael J. Shapiro 

3. Oppression Desired: Fascism & the Security Imperative Brad Evans 

4. Movement and Human Logistics: Pre-emption, Technology and Fascism Geoffrey Whitehall 

5. A People of Seers: The Political Aesthetics of Postwar Cinema Revisited Julian Reid 

6. Waltzing the Limit Erin Manning 

7. Politics on the Line Leonie Ansems de Vries

8. Fascist lines of the tokkotai Nicholas Michelsen

9. Fascism, France and Film: Inside-Out -Territorializing Aesthetics in The Raven (Le Corbeau) and Hidden (Cache) Ruth Kitchen

Brad Evans is a senior lecturer in International Relations at the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, the University of Bristol.
Julian Reid is Professor of International Relations at the University of Lapland, Finland.

"The editors of this superb volume tell us that 'We are all, always,fascists, of multiple kinds'; the fascism that they speak of, via Deleuze,is not limited to the exploits of Hitler and Nazism. This is the fascismof our own time, a fascism that has deepened and extended even since thetime that Deleuze and Guattari penned. This is the fascism of liberalism itself, the fascism of Kant, of humanism; it is a fascism of desire turned against itself, of the most basic aspects of power and authority. The authors of this volume, extend upon, argue with, probe, and
complicate Deleuze's insights about pervasive fascism; through engagements with western philosophy, science fiction, cinema, Marxism, Foucault, and many other sources, these authors seek to reproblematize and reschematize a fascism that we all partake in, a tendency that, in some sense, we can never fully escape or leave behind. The beauty of this volume is that it explicitly politicizes an endemic crisis, allowing very diverse frames of
reference (historical, aesthetic, theoretical) to mutually engage and contest what must be the greatest challenge of the 21st century." James Martel, San Francisco State University, USA
"When Foucault described Anti-Oedipus as a book for combating the inner fascist in us all his statement was taken at face value and never questioned or investigated. Deleuze and Fascism changes that: it turns Foucault’s claim into a question and problematic and pursues the various lines of flight it opens for us. This is a richly interesting collection of essays with a very serious purpose."-
- Ian Buchanan, Editor Deleuze Studies

Picblog: Francis Bacon's painting


Chimères n.78 - Soigne qui peut (la vie) - Janvier 2013

Mise en ligne du numéro en cours 
Valérie MarangeSoigne qui peut
Anne Perraut-Soliveres, Attention, fragile... 
Jean-Pierre Martin, Soin et (des)institutionalisation 
Max Dorra, Leçons de solitude.
Annie Vacelet-Vuitton, La nuit du Pangolin
Virginia Kastrup, Bergson, l’attention et les aveugles 
Olivier Derousseau, Chagrin 
Christophe Boulanger, Les victimes mortes se vengent très bien… 
Fred Périé Sans titre, à...

Rosi Braidotti - The Posthuman - Polity Press, Uk, 19 April 2013

The Posthuman offers both an introduction and major contribution to contemporary debates on the posthuman. Digital ′second life′, genetically modified food, advanced prosthetics, robotics and reproductive technologies are familiar facets of our globally linked and technologically mediated societies. This has blurred the traditional distinction between the human and its others, exposing the non–naturalistic structure of the human. The Posthuman starts by exploring the extent to which a post–humanist move displaces the traditional humanistic unity of the subject. Rather than perceiving this situation as a loss of cognitive and moral self–mastery, Braidotti argues that the posthuman helps us make sense of our flexible and multiple identities. Braidotti then analyzes the escalating effects of post–anthropocentric thought, which encompass not only other species, but also the sustainability of our planet as a whole. Because contemporary market economies profit from the control and commodification of all that lives, they result in hybridization, erasing categorical distinctions between the human and other species, seeds, plants, animals and bacteria. These dislocations induced by globalized cultures and economies enable a critique of anthropocentrism, but how reliable are they as indicators of a sustainable future? The Posthuman concludes by considering the implications of these shifts for the institutional practice of the humanities. Braidotti outlines new forms of cosmopolitan neo–humanism that emerge from the spectrum of post–colonial and race studies, as well as gender analysis and environmentalism. The challenge of the posthuman condition consists in seizing the opportunities for new social bonding and community building, while pursuing sustainability and empowerment.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Post-humanism: Life beyond the Self.
Chapter Two: Post-anthropocentrism: Life beyond the Species.
Chapter Three: The Inhuman: Life beyond Death. 
Chapter Four: Posthuman Humanities; Life beyond Theory. 


'This is an exciting and important text, full of intellectual brilliance and insight. It will make a major mark.'
Henrietta L. Moore, University of Cambridge

'Braidotti's exhilarating survey of the constellation of posthumanity is lucid, learned and provocative. It will be an essential point of reference in future debates about the central philosophical problem of our age.'
Paul Gilroy, King’s College London

'Debates over humanism and post-humanism have been fought over from feminist philosophy to literary theory and post-colonial studies. This latest work by Rosi Braidotti presents us with a clear-headed glimpse of some of the hard choices we have before us. Braidotti knows the philosophy, cares about the politics, and empathizes with those who have been shoved aside in these brutal last hundred years. She shows us how feminism, technoscientific infrastructure and political strands cross, sometimes with sparks.'
Peter Galison, Harvard University

Rosi Braidotti is a distinguished university professor at Utrecht University and founding director of the Centre for the Humanities.
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Read more on Braidotti's blog

P:S: Professor Rosi Braidotti will present her new book "The Posthuman" (Polity Press, 2013) during an official launch event that will take place on 23rd May at London Review Bookshop, London.


Henry Somers-Hall - Deleuze's Difference and Repetition (An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide) - EUP, Uk, March 2013

The essential toolkit for anyone approaching Deleuze for the

 first time

When students read Difference and Repetition for the first time, they face two main hurdles: the wide range of sources that Deleuze draws upon and his dense writing style. This Edinburgh Philosophical Guide helps students to negotiate these hurdles, taking them through the text paragraphy by paragraph. It situates Deleuze within Continental philosophy more broadly and explains why he develops his philosophy in his unique way.
If you're a seasoned Deleuzian, there's something here for you too: you won't want to miss Henry Somers-Hall’s new, positive interpretation of Difference and Repetition.

Henry Somers-Hall is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Manchester Metropolitan University.